colchester folk club - 2002 season

scroll down or click on the list below to jump straight the details. in the details click on the gig date or picture to go to the artists' website


21st October - HARVEY ANDREWS

making his annual visit to the club, Harvey’s a great singer, songwriter and storyteller who’s won a legion of fans with his captivating, intimate and insightful songwriting. £7/£6 NB NO SMOKING

28th October - STEVE ASHLEY

 a long-time favourite of the club this is a rare chance to catch one of the most original and influential folk songwriters in the country. £6/£5

4th November - EDDIE WALKER

Premier country blues and ragtime guitarist – one-time partner with John James in Carolina Shout! High energy, great guitar picking, a fine voice and lots of fun. £6/£5

11th November - BOPP!

a great Colchester five-piece band featuring former members of The Spell and Bo Diddley Diddley – Irish tunes, great songs, fine voices and instrumental virtuosity!! Bouzouki, fiddle, guitar, bass and percussion. £6/£5